Soft Tissue Allograft Surgery on an Upper Left Canine
Before & 6 Months After
Soft Tissue Allograft on the Lower Left Quadrant
Before & 1 Year After
Soft Tissue Allograft on the Upper Right Canine and Lateral Incisor
Pre-Operative & 1 1/2 Year Post-Operative
Soft Tissue Allograft of the Lower Right Canine
Before & After
Lower Lingual Frenulectomy
Pre-Operative & 3 Months Post-operative
Lower Labial Frenulectomy
Pre-Operative & 9 Months Post-Operative
Lower Labial Frenulectomy in a 12 Year Old Child
Pre-Operative & 6 Weeks Post-Operative
Soft Tissue Grafting
Before & After
Sub-Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft of the Upper Left First Premolar
Pre-Operative & 15 Months Post-Operative
Sub-Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft of the Lower Left Canine
Pre-Operative & 3 Months Post-Operative
Pre-Operative & 12 Months Post-Operative
Sub-Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft of the Upper Right Canine
Pre-Operative & 9 Months Post-Operative
Sub-Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft of the Lower Left Incisor
Pre-Operative & 5 Months Post-Operative
Anterior Single Dental Implant
Immediately After Initial Placement & After the Restoration
Replacement of Upper Lateral Incisors with Immediate Dental Implants
Immediately After Implant Placement on Same Day of Extraction &
After Completion of the Final Restorations
Gingivectomy on 14 Year Old Girl
Pre-Operative & 2 Weeks Post-Operative
Esthetic Crown Lengthening
Pre-Operative & 1 Month Post-Operative
Pre-Operative & 12 Months Post-Operative
Cosmetic Crown Lengthening
Pre-Operative & 6 Months Post-Operative
Removal of Gingival Pyogenic Granuloma (Lesion)
Pre-Operative & 2 Months Post-Operative
GTR Molar Bone Regenerations on Lower Left Molar
Pre-Operative Radiograph & 12 Months Post-Operative