Curriculum Vitae
Lillian Carol Carpio, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
The Periodontal-Implant Institute
1355 Beverly Road, Suite 210
McLean, VA 22101
1998 Ph.D. University of Buffalo (Oral Biology)
1997 Certificate University of Buffalo (Certificate of Proficiency in Periodontology)
1992 M.S. University of Buffalo (Oral Sciences)
1992 Diploma University of Buffalo (Temporomandibular Disorders & Orofacial Pain)
1988 B.S. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Lima, Peru. (Stomatology)
1988 D.D.S. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Lima, Peru (Dentistry)
2004- Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology.
2003- Commonwealth of Virginia, Dental Licensure.
1998-2003 Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
1992- Florida, Dental Licensure.
1988- Lima, Peru, Dental Licensure.
2003-2005 Part time Faculty, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Department of Periodontics & Endodontics. University of Maryland. 2000-2003 Director, Predoctoral Periodontology Program. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. 2001-2003 Senior Tutor, Cannon Society. Harvard School Of Dental Medicine Department Of Periodontology. 1998-2003 Instructor, Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Division of Periodontics, Harvard School of Dental Medicine. 1992-1998 Postdoctoral Associate, University of Buffalo, Department of Oral Biology. 1993-1998 Clinical Assistant Professor, University Of Buffalo, Department Oral Diagnostic Sciences. 1986-1989 Clinic Instructor, Cayetano Heredia University, Department of Clinical Dentistry. 1991-1998 Instructor in Periodontology. University of Buffalo, School Of Dental Medicine.
1986: Medical-Surgical Residency. Cayetano Heredia Base Hospital, Lima, Peru.
1988-1989 General Dentist, Medical Private Corporation MEDICSA.Lima, Peru.
1998-2003 Periodontist, Implantologist, Orofacial Pain Specialist, Faculty Group Practice,
Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
2004- The Periodontal-Implant Institute, Periodontist and Implantologist, McLean, VA.
University of Buffalo:
Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences
1993-1997 Clinic Coordinator, TMD & Orofacial Pain Clinic, School of Dental Medicine.
1994-1998 Clinic Instructor, Department of Periodontics, School of Dental Medicine.
Harvard School of Dental Medicine:
Department of Periodontology
1998- Core Clinical Faculty, Periodontology.
1998-2001 Course Director of Postdoctoral Periodontology Literature Review.
1999-2001 Course Director of Research Seminar Series.
2000-2003 Course Director, Core Clinical Periodontology.
2000-2003 Director, Predoctoral Periodontology Program.
Office of Dental Education
2000- Session Leader, Core Clinics.
2001-2003 Senior Tutor, Cannon Society, HSDM.
2001-2003 Clinical Affairs Liaison.
2001-2003 Senior Fellow, Cannon Society, Harvard Medical School.
2001-2003 Predoctoral Outcomes Assessment.
2011- American Dental Association.
2011- Virginia Dental Association.
2010- Academy of Osseointegration.
2005- Women of Washington.
2004- McLean Chamber of Commerce.
2004- Washington Metropolitan Implant Study Club.
2003- Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
2001 American Association of Women Dentists.
1999-2003 Massachusetts Dental Society.
1999-2002 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
1999- American Dental Association.
1999- Peruvian Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration.
1994- American Academy of Periodontology.
1993-2001 American Society for the Advancement of Science.
1990-1995 American Student Dental Association.
1990- American Association of Dental Research.
1990- International Association of Dental Research.
1990- University of Buffalo Alumni Association.
1988- Peruvian Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Prosthetics.
1988- Peruvian College of Odontology.
2000-2003 Seminars in Caries & Periodontal Disease Prevention. Parents/Teachers of
“Happy Child Daycare Center, Newton MA".
2000 American Academy of Periodontology Spokesperson for Hispanic Americans on
the Periodontal-Systemic Connection.
2000-2002 Spokesperson for Crest on the Campaign “Crest Healthy Smiles 2010”.
2001-2002 Reviewed for AAP all patient’s pamphlet translations from English to Spanish.
1997- Journal of Periodontology
2000 Ad hoc Reviewer, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2003 Ad hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Dentistry
Selected by the Northern Virginia Magazine and Washingtonian Magazine as a top periodontist in Northern Virginia, and Washington metropolitan area in 2006, 2009 and 2011.
Selected by the American Academy of Periodontology as the Spokesperson for Hispanic Americans on Oral-Periodontal Health (2000).
New Dentist Scientist Award from the ADA Foundation (September 2000).
"Training in Fundamental and Applied Oral Health Research" 5T32-DE07034 from 1992-1993.
Dentist Scientist Award from the NIDCR from 1993 to 1998.
Elected "Who is Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges".
Third in the Honor list, Class of 1986 Dental School, Cayetano Heredia University.
1986-1989 Clinic & Pre-Clinic Instructor in Periodontics and Occlusion. Faculty of Dentistry.
1992-1997 Clinic Coordinator, TMD & Orofacial Pain. Clinic, School Of Dental Medicine.
1992-1997 Clinic supervision, postdoctoral students. TMD & Orofacial Pain Clinic.
1992-1998 Clinical Instructor, Department of Periodontology.
1993-1997 Lecturer and Tutor, ODS 502, Oral Sciences Pain.
1993-1997 ORM 834: “Principles and Modalities of Treatment of TMD”
1994-1998 “ Periodontal Disease In The Pathogenesis Of Bone Resorption”. Junior Class.
1992-1997 TMD Clinical Conferences. Postdoctoral TMD Residents.
1993-1997 TMD Journal Club. Postdoctoral students. Spring and Fall Semesters.
1998- Clinic Supervision. Predoctoral 3rd and 4th year students.
1998- Clinic Supervision. Postdoctoral Periodontology Residents.
1998-2001 Periodontal Literature Review. Course Director. Periodontology residents.
1998 Evidence Based Dentistry. Tutor. Predoctoral students.
1998-2003 Oral Comprehensive Examination. 3rd and 4th year Predoctoral students.
1998-2003 Oral Comprehensive Examination. Postdoctoral Periodontology Residents.
1999-2001 Course Director: Research Seminar Series. Postdoctoral Course.
1999-2002 Development Course. Lecturer in Periodontal Development and Biology.
1999-2003 Patient-Doctor-1. Hms/Hsdm. Tutor. Dental/Medical School Students.
1999-2002 Restorative Block. “Periodontal Surgery IV-Osseous Surgery”.
1999-2002 Restorative Block. “Periodontal Surgery II- Attached Gingiva and Pre-prosthetic
1999 Periodontal Therapy. Occlusion Series. “TMD Consideration In The Periodontally
Compromised Dentition”. Periodontology Residents.
2000-2002 Periodontal Therapy. “Regeneration Principles I: Growth Factor & Wound
2000-2003 Implant Dentistry. “Sinus Pathology”. Periodontology Residents.
1998-2004 Implant Dentistry. “Use Of Barrier Membranes Around Endosseous Dental
2000-2002 Fundamentals of Osseointegration & Bone Regeneration. Oral Biology 606.
“Periodontal Approaches In Bone Deficit Sites”. Postdoctoral Students.
2000-2001 “Implant Dentistry: Surgical Protocol”. Advanced Surgical Treatment Block.
2001-2002 “Treatment Planning”. Lecturer. Treatment of Active Disease Block.
2000-2002 “Periodontal Surgical Techniques”. Lecturer. Treatment of Active Disease Block.
2000-2002 “Pig Jaw Surgical Exercise”. Run the lab .Treatment of Active Disease Block.
2001-2002 “Pathology: Periodontal Diseases”. Oral Pathology Course.
2001-2003 “Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases”. Diagnosis and Prevention Block.
1984-1986 Epidemiologic clinical data collection, Canto Grande, Lima Peru
1985 Epidemiologic Studies in the Prevalence of Caries and Periodontal Disease,
Tynyari Grande, Huancayo, Peru.
1986-1988 Epidemiologic Study on the Prevalence of Oral Melanic Pigmentation on School
aged Children. Lima, Peru.
1989-1992 Research Associate, Periodontal Disease and Implant Research Center,
Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental medicine.
1990-1992 Research Associate, Examiner for a Study evaluating a computerized methodology
for detecting alveolar crestal bone loss from serial intraoral radiographs.
1992-1997 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental
1997-1998 Co-Investigator in a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing resorbable
versus non-resorbable barriers on guided bone regeneration around endosseous
dental implants.
Periodontal Disease and Implant Research Center, Department of Oral Biology,
School of Dental medicine.
1992-1998 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Oral Biology. Research on Lipid
Signaling in Osteoblastic Cells.
1999 Examiner for a Multicenter study evaluating the local delivery of antimicrobial
agent around teeth with periodontitis in humans.
1999-2001 PI on studies looking at the effect of sphingolipids on cells of the periodontium.
Feb. 1989 “Advantages/Disadvantages of the Use of Dental Amalgam Restorations Vs.
Composites in Posterior Teeth”. Fifth Latin American Meeting., Lima. Peru.
June 1991 "Temporomandibular Disorders: New Treatment Approach", 6 hours course, VI
International Meeting. Peruvian Society of Dental & Maxillofacial Prosthetics,
Sept. 1992 “Effect of Changes in the x-ray Beam Angulation on Radiographic Alveolar Crest
Measurements”. Annual CADR/AADR Meeting. Niagara on the Lake, Canada.
Sept. 1995 "Evaluation and Treatment Planning of the Patient with Periodontal Disease",
58th Annual Session of the Peruvian Academy of Stomatology, Cuzco-Peru.
Feb. 1997 “Evaluation of Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain”.
Oral Diagnostic Sciences, Department Faculty Seminar Series.
Sept. 1999 “Workshop in Predoctoral & Postdoctoral Education”. *85th Annual Meeting,
American Academy of Periodontology. San Antonio, Texas.
Dec. 1999 “Workshop on Oral Diseases and Diabetes”. National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, Maryland.
July 2000 “Guided Tissue Regeneration And Periodontal Plastic Surgery”. Two Day Course
With Live-Surgery. Cayetano Heredia University & Peruvian Society of
Periodontics. Lima Peru.
Sept. 2000 “Workshop in Postdoctoral Education”. *86th Annual Meeting, American
Academy of Periodontology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dec. 2000 “Regeneration in Periodontics”. One day course. CILAI, Formosa, Argentina.
Dec. 2000 “Regeneration in Periodontics”. One day course. CILAI, La Plata, Argentina.
Dec. 2000 “Regeneration in Periodontics”. One day course. CILAI, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Oct. 2001 “Periodontal Plastic Surgery” One day course. CILAI, La Plata, Argentina.
Oct. 2001 “Periodontal Plastic Surgery” One day course. CILAI, Mendoza, Argentina.
Nov. 2001 “Periodontal Plastic Surgery”. Invited Lecturer. Two hour Seminar.
University of Buffalo. School of Dental Medicine.
Nov 2009 “The use of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Bone Deficit Sites”, Master
Challenge Meeting, Lima Peru.
Continuing Education Courses Given:
1997: Hands-On Workshop in Temporomandibular Disorders & Orofacial Pain.
General Practitioners. University Of Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.
1998: Lecturer :“Advanced Implantology” 3 hour course. Harvard School of
Dental Medicine. Argentinean Group.
1999: Lecturer. “ Results in Human Studies with Regeneration”. Japanese Group
1999: Lecturer/Instructor. “Hands-On Lab Experience in Flap Design, and suturing
techniques in periodontal surgery”. Italian group.
2000: Lecturer: “How to read clinical journals”. Italian, Japanese and
Taiwanese group.
2002: Lecturer. “Analysis of Clinical Research” Italian group.
2003-2004: Advances in Oral Health: Antiseptic Mouthrinses, Speaker for Pfizer.
2004- Periodontist, The Periodontal Implant Institute, McLean VA.
2003-2004 Periodontist, Kenneth Qiu DDS, PC, Herndon VA.
1998-2003 Periodontist, Harvard Dental Center. Boston, MA.
1997-1998 Periodontist, Periodontal Disease & Implant Research Clinic,
University Of Buffalo.
1993-1997 Periodontal Fellow, Periodontal Disease & Implant Research Center,
University Of Buffalo.
1986-1989 Private Practice, General Dentistry. Lima, Peru.
1. Hausmann E, Allen K, Carpio L, Christersson L, Clerehugh V. Computerized methodology for
detection of alveolar crestal bone loss from serial intraoral radiographs. J Periodontol 1992;
2. Carpio L, Hausmann E, Dunford R, Allen K, Christersson L. Evaluation of a simple modified
radiographic alignment system for routine use. J Periodontol 1994; 65: 63-67.
3. Allen K, Hausmann E, Kutlubay M, Loza J, Carpio L, Ortman L, Wobschall D. Studies of the
angular reproducibility of positioning patients adjacent to an X-ray tube: 1. Stent-rod based
and extra-oral systems. J Periodontal Res 1994; 29: 174-178.
4. Loza J, L Carpio , G. Lawless, N. Marzec, R Dziak. Role of extracellular calcium influx in
EGF-induced osteoblastic cell proliferation. Bone 1995; 16: 341S-347S.
5. Carpio L, Dziak R. Activation of phospholipase D signaling pathway by epidermal growth factor
in osteoblastic cells. J Bone Miner Res 1998; 13: 1707-1713.
6. Carpio LC, Dziak R. Effects of Phosphatidic acid on cytosolic calcium levels and proliferation
in normal rat osteoblastic cells. Prost Leukotr & Ess Fatty Ac 1998; 59: 101-109.
7. Loza J, Carpio L, Bradford P, Dziak R. Molecular characterization of the a1 subunit of the
L-type voltage calcium channel expressed in rat calvarial osteoblasts. J Bone Miner Res 1999;
14: 386-395.
8. Carpio. LC, Stephan E, Kamer A, Dziak R. Sphingolipids stimulate cell growth via MAP kinase
activation in osteoblastic cells. Prost Leukotr & Ess Fatty Ac 1999; 61: 267-73.
9. Carpio LC, Shiau H, Dziak R. Changes in Sphingolipid Levels Induced by Epidermal Growth
Factor in Osteoblastic Cells. Effects of These Metabolites on Cytosolic Calcium Levels. Prost
Leukotr & Ess Fatty Ac 2000; 62(4): 225-232.
10. Carpio LC, Loza J, Lynch S, Genco R. Guided bone regeneration around endosseous implants.
A randomized controlled trial comparing resorbable versus non-resorbable barriers.
J Periodontol. 2000; 71: 1743-49.
11. Magtoto, M, Carpio, L, Allen, S., Loza, J. Osseointegration of a titanium-silver alloy. Submitted.
1. Carpio L, Cardenas T, Vizcarra C. Antibiotic therapy in Periodontal Disease: A Literature
review. J Peruv Acad Stomatol 1987; XLI: 13-20.
2. Loza J, Carpio L, Dziak R. Osteoporosis and its relationship to oral bone loss. Current Opinion
in Periodontology 1996; 3: 27-33.
1. Carpio L. Socio-Economic/Epidemiologic Diagnosis of caries and periodontal disease in Tinyari
Grande, Hyo. Peru. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University; Lima Peru. 1985.
2. Carpio L. Melanosis. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University; Lima Peru. 1986.
3. Carpio L, Dziak R. Plasminogen Activators in Osteoblastic Cells. Chapter 12. In: Fibrinolysis
in Disease, The Malignant Process, Interventions in Thrombogenic Mechanisms, and Novel
Treatment Modalities. Pia-Glas-Greenwalt. CRC Press.pp. 71-76, 1995.
4. Carpio, L. “Call for Commentary”, No strong Evidence Supports the Efficacy of Potassium
Nitrate Toothpaste for Dentin Hypersensitivity. November. 2001. Vol 3 No 1.
1. Carpio LC. Frequency of physiologic melanic pigmentation in oral tissues occurring in infants
and children of prepuberal and puberal ages. (dissertation for B.S. Degree). Lima, Peru.
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University; 1988.
2. Carpio LC. Factors influencing the reproducibility of Radiographic Alveolar Crest
Measurements. (dissertation for MS Degree). Buffalo (NY); University of Buffalo; 1992.
3. Carpio LC. Lipid Signaling Pathways in Osteoblastic Cells. (dissertation for Ph.D. Degree).
Buffalo (NY); University of Buffalo; 1998.
ABSTRACTS (selected):
1. Carpio LC, Dunford RG, Hausmann E, Allen KM. Reproducibility of radiographic alveolar crest
measurements. J Dent Res 1990 70: # 128.
2. Carpio LC, Dunford RG, Hausmann E, Christersson, LA. Effect of changes in the x-ray beam
angulation on radiographic alveolar crest measurements. J Dent Res 1992 71: #695.
3. Carpio L.C; Dunford R.; Hausmann E.; Allen K., O. Shibley & Christersson L.(1992) Evaluation
of a Simple Radiographic Alignment System Appropriate for Routine Clinical and Research Use.
Journal of Dental Research.72: Special Issue. IADR. Abstract # 858.
4. Carpio , L.C.; Loza, J.L. and Dziak, R. (1993) Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor on Cytosolic
Calcium Levels and Phosphoinositide Metabolism in Normal Rat Osteoblastic Cells.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Vol 8 (1). August issue. Abstract # 748.
5. Carpio , L.C., Marzec, N. and Dziak, R. (1994) Stimulation of Phospholipase D activity by
Epidermal Growth Factor in Normal Rat Osteoblastic Cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral
Research. Vol 9 (1) August Issue.
6. Carpio L, Tasaki M, Velasco J, McCall WD Jr. Bolus size effects on chewing patterns and
masticatory muscle activity. J Den Res 1995; 74: 135. # 988.
7. Carpio LC*, R. Dziak. (1996) Effects of sphingosine on cytosolic calcium levels in normal rat
osteoblastic cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Vol 11 (1), August issue.
Abstract # 336.
8. Carpio *, L.C. and Dziak, R. (1997) Phospholipase D signaling pathway in osteoblastic cells.
J. Dental Research. Special Issue. 76: 341. Abstract # 2617.
9. Carpio LC*, R. Dziak. (1997) Sphingolipid's effect on cytosolic calcium and proliferation in
osteoblastic cells. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Vol 12 (1), August issue.
Abstract # T349.
10. Carpio *, L.C., Shiau, H. and Dziak, R. (1998) Ceramide effects on normal rat osteoblastic cell
proliferation and differentiation. J. Dental Research. Special Issue A. 77: Abstract # 1139.
11. Carpio L, Loza J, Lynch S, Genco R. Regeneration around endosseous implants with Bio-Oss®.
Comparison between resorbable vs. non-resorbable barriers. American Academy of
Osseointegration Annual Meeting. 1998.
12. Szymanowski JS, Ashkar S, Carpio LC. Effects of Bioactive lipids on human gingival
keratinocytes proliferation. J Dent Res 2000; 79:402; #2072.
13. Szymanowski JS, Ashkar S, Carpio LC. Presence of lysophospholipid receptors in human gingival
keratinocytes. J. Dent. Res. 2001; 80.
14. Solomon R., Waranuch P., Carpio, LC. Retrospective Analysis of the Prevalence of Antral
Mucosal Thickenings and Maxillary Sinus Cysts As Seen On Panoramic Radiographs, Accepted to
the AADR annual meeting in San Antonio, March 2003.
15. Shah-Hosseini, N; Ferguson M., Sobel, M., Karimbux, N.; Howell, H., Carpio, L. Utilization of
Full-time vs. Part-time Faculty in Clinical Predoctoral Education. 80th Annual Session &
Exhibition of the American Dental Education Association. San Antonio, March, 2003.